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Academy Classes


  1. MS CFP 02/11/2018 180211

    Multi-State Concealed Firearms Permit Course 02/11/2018
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 26 images
    • 26 images
  2. MS CFP 01/14/2018 180114

    Multi-State Concealed Firearms Permit Course 01/14/2018
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 25 images
    • 25 images
  3. Foundry 01/04/2018 180104

    Foundry Session 01/04/2018
    Topic:   Starting off on a good foot. Shooting on the move.
    Description: Stance is a luxury not often afford to you in a gunfight, move! During this session we will be covering the fundamentals of movement. Understanding the balance of speed and accuracy in marksmanship when it is applied to movement in varying directions and distances.   Exercises: Shooting with movement Shooting on the move Shooting moving targets
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 57 images
    • 57 images
  4. Private Pistol 101 4 Day Modified 12/08-11/2017

    Private Pistol 101 Modified 12/08-11/2017
    This course was hosted by the Bowman family on their private range about 2 hours outside of Seattle Washington. 
    They went above and beyond to construct an amazing range to accommodate 30 students as well as provided home cooked meals for all of us, including the ADAPT staff. 
    The skill sets ranged from "never shot a gun before" to avid shooters that have trained at Front Sight Firearms among other training schools. 
    We all had a great time (even in the extreme cold) and look forward to going back soon!
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 36 images
    • 36 images
  5. MS CFP 12/03/2017 171203

    Multi-State Concealed Firearms Permit Course 12/03/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 29 images
    • 2 image comments
    • 29 images
    • 2 image comments
  6. MS CFP 11/19/2017 171119

    Multi-State Concealed Firearms Permit Course 11/19/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 21 images
    • 21 images
  7. NV CFP 11/3/2017

    Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit Course 11/03/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 9 images
    • 9 images
  8. NV CFP 08/13/2017 170813

    Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit Course 08/13/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 12 images
    • 12 images
  9. Private Introduction to Rifle 170729

    Had a great time with two new Students who traveled up from California. One individual former Military wanted to give the gift of education and training to his best friend for his birthday!!! Awesome job gentlemen, thank you for choosing to study with us. 
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 13 images
    • 13 images
  10. Foundry 7/20/2017

    Topic: Shooting on the move
    Balance of speed and accuracy at distance while moving Moving to and u sing positions of advantage (Kneeling, Prone, Supine, etc...) Proper use of cover and concealment
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 10 images
    • 10 images
  11. Private NV CFP 07/22/2017

    Family get togethers are fun, training with firearms is fun so come have fun fun.
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 9 images
    • 9 images
  12. NV CFP 07/09/2017 170709

    Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit Course 07/09/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 14 images
    • 14 images
  13. Foundry 07/06/2017

    Verbal challenge exercise Use of cover vs. concealment  Searching structures and understanding movement Slicing the pie (clearing corners) Avoiding the "Fatal funnel" Limited penetration vs. dynamic entry
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 18 images
    • 18 images
  14. NV CFP 06/24/2017 170624

    NV CFP 06/24/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 13 images
    • 13 images
  15. NV CFP 06/18/2017

    Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit Course
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 11 images
    • 11 images
  16. MS CFP 05/14/2017

    Multi State Concealed Firearms Permit Course 170514
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 24 images
    • 24 images
  17. MS CFP 05/05/2017

    Multi-State Concealed Firearms Permit Course 05/05/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 images
  18. NV CFP 03/25/2017

    Nevada Concealed FIrearms Permit Course 03/25/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 12 images
    • 12 images
  19. MS CFP 03/03/2017 170303

    Multi-State Concealed Firearms Permit Course 03/03/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 16 images
    • 16 images
  20. MS CFP 02/17/2017 170217

    Multi-State Concealed Firearms Permit Course 02/17/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 25 images
    • 25 images
  21. MS CFP 02/12/2017

    MS CFP 02/12/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 15 images
    • 15 images
  22. MS CFP 02/03/2017

    Multi-State Concealed Firearms Permit Course 02/03/2017
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 13 images
    • 13 images
  23. MS CFP 1/22/2017 170122

    Multi-State Concealed Firearms Permit Course
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 13 images
    • 13 images
  24. MS CFP 01/06/2017 170106

    Multi-State Concealed Firearms Permit Course
    January 6th, 2017 0800-1900 (8am-7pm)
    What a great group to endure 42 degree weather, they put in a great deal of effort and achieved great results! Awesome job everyone.
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 6 images
  25. NV CFP 12/2/2016

    Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit Course. 161202
    • Album created by Eric Loden
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 6 images
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